urge protector is an electrical device that is used to protect equipment against power surges and voltage spikes while blocking voltage over a safe threshold (approximately 120 V). When a threshold is over 120V, a surge protector shorts to ground voltage or blocks the voltage. Without a surge protector, anything higher than 120V can create component issues, such as permanent damage, reduced lifespan of internal devices, burned wires and data loss.

Surge protector components and features include:

An iron core transformer transfers alternating current (AC) power but cannot absorb sudden surges.
A zener diode protects against common circuit spikes and is sometimes combined with a transient voltage suppression diode.
If a circuit breaker is out or blows a fuse, a surge protector provides internal protection and protects against device and exterior surges.
Uninterruptible power supply takes in spikes using a low pass filter and allows external power beyond the battery, which supplies uninterrupted power.
A metal oxide varistor (MOV) is thermal fused and limits voltage three to four times that of a regular current. Parallel MOV connections expand life expectancy and increase current capacity. If exposed to many large transients or numerous small transients, MOVs can self-destruct.

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